Monkey and his friends

Monkey and his friends
Here is our friend Charlie with some of his friends. Do you want to meet the rest? Come on then!

5. Merry Christmas everyone!


We are going to learn the value of "helpful". 
Let's see the video and then answer the questions. 

Click on the video to learn the value of generosity.  

1- Why is important being generous? 
2- Who is generous with others? How can we be more generous?

Now, we are going to listen and read the story "Merry Christmas everyone." Listening ears on! 

Click on the link to read the story.  

Let's play with the dice game!


Today we are going to learn a new song called "Hello reindeer".

Click on the video to listen to the song.  

Do you like the song? I like it too!


Today we are going to have fun! 
First of all we are going to learn something about Christmas traditions. Do you like Christmas? Why? 

Click on the video to learn more about Christmas.  

Answer to the following questions in pairs: 

- What have you learnt from the video?
- Do you remember other Christmas customs?
- Which was your favourite part of the video?

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